Frequently asked questions

If you have any other questions you want to ask, please get in touch.

How thick is the wood?

The wood is made of a 1/4” Holly wood.

How do I get in touch?

Send us an email or contact us through the chat widget in the bottom left corner of the website.

How long is shipping times?

Orders ship within 7 business days. Shipping typically takes 2-4 business days through UPS ground.

How do I know My pictures are high quality enough?

A team member inspects each order to ensure the print will ocme out looking great. If somehting seems off, they will reach out to you to make any adjustments.

Can I  save my pictures for later?

Yes, the save button in the designer will give you a code. Codes can be sent via text message or emailed to you to view at a l;ater time.

Do you offer discounts?

There is no discounts for higher quantities. Our pricing system is very simple and we like it that way!

Can I get my order faster?

Yes, if your order is time critical please reach out to us. We will assess your request and give you a rush fee based off of the criteria you provide.

Damaged Tiles?

If your order was damaged during shipping, please contact us for any returns as we will simply replace any tiles that need replacing.

Do you offer refunds?

If there is a problem with your order please reach out to us! We will do our best to make you happy. If you are not satisfied with your order, it can be returned to us and we will refund your money.


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